The undertakings of an informant are idealized in films and TV programs as dangerous, interesting, and intense. The informant may be a key witness that everyone depends upon, therefore they are valued for what information they can provide. Law enforcement authorities appreciate the circumstance of an informant, and more often they may offer a defendant freedom or reduced charges in exchange for information.  The offer can sound quite attractive and enticing. The defendant may be facing charges of drug possession with a sentence of several years behind bars awaiting. To safeguard your future, get the offer in writing from the police. Here's why:

Broken Promises

The basic problem with the law enforcement request of being an informant is that police officers are neither the prosecution team not the jury. The police lack such powers. They have no control over the jury. Moreover, once the informant has provided the information, the police then can deny ever giving such promises. Similarly, the police can falsely claim that the information provided by the informant is what they already knew which means such the rendered information may be used to further increase the number of accusations the informant faces.

As a result, it is foolhardy for any defendant to accept any promises in the process of police investigations unless, it's in writing and has the signature of a prosecutor, with the defendant's criminal lawyer in attendance. It is extremely crucial that the informant has protection from prosecution based on something more concrete than just a simple oral promise.

Everyone is on the same page

The police offer, captured in writing should clearly state the terms such as immunity from prosecution or leniency in punishment in appreciation for the information profited. Furthermore, the agreement should also address the issue of confidentiality in regards to the informant. In most cases, the state requires information about alleged criminal activities without the knowledge of those suspects. Provisions should be included to protect the safety of the informant who gives out information about a drug cartel or syndicate to avoid endangering his or her safety, given that the suspects may retaliate or strike back for revenge.

In conclusion, all the above provisions cannot be considered valid if the police don't honor their assurance of immunity or leniency. The key to making the police offer binding to both parties is protecting its existence, in writing with the defendant's criminal lawyer and other witnesses present.
